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App IconApp NameAuthor(s)DescriptionDownload link
HB App StorevgmooseDownload homebrew appsDownload ZIP
HB App Store DarkvgmooseDownload homebrew appsDownload ZIP
Space GamevgmooseGeneric space shooterDownload ZIP
SaviineMaschellDump game saves to a PC serverDownload ZIP
dddDimokDump games to a PC serverDownload ZIP
FTPiiUjoedjA Wii U FTP serverDownload ZIP
NNU Patcherdibas, based on FIX94's patchWii U eShop UnblockerDownload ZIP
TCPGeckoChadderzWii U RAM HackingDownload ZIP
Loadiine gx2Dimok, Maschell, n1ghty, dibasWii U Game backup loaderDownload ZIP
SDCafiineChadderz, MaschellSDCafiine [HBL Edition]Download ZIP
IOSrebootHillary ClintonFor Wii U FW 5.5.1 onlyDownload ZIP
IOSUotpDonald TrumpDisplays COPYRIGHTED NINTENDO KEYS on your Wii U.Download ZIP
FlappyBirdUrw-r-r_0644Flappy Bird for Wii UDownload ZIP
U-PaintbrienjPainting app for Wii U HBLDownload ZIP